Monday, November 5, 2007

Water Warning: Boil Water Order for Wyoming, Michigan

Some people who live in Wyoming will have to boil their water after the city found E-coli and coliform bacteria in a sample.

The sample taken near R.W. Berends Drive on Thursday tested positive for the bacteria Saturday. The city has to let the sample incubate for 48 hours before testing it.

Because of the test results, the City of Wyoming issued a boil water order for residents and businesses in a small section of the city bordered between 44th Street, Burlingame and R.W. Berends Drive.

This also includes all residents living along R.W. Berends Drive.

City officials say the presence of coliform and E-coli bacteria indicates the water may be contaminated with human or animal wastes. The contamination can cause diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches or other symptoms. They may also pose a health risk for infants, young children and people with severely compromised immune systems.

The city's Utilities Department is collecting other samples for testing and will do that until the tests come back negative, but the boil water order could remain in place until at least Tuesday.

The city has set up a bottled water pickup in the parking lot of the Wyoming Cattle Company Restaurant, near the intersection of R.W. Berends Drive and 44th Street.

For more information about E-coli bacteria, click here.

For more information about the detection and diagnosis of E-coli bacteria, click here.

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