Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Water Warning: Denver, Colorado

Water Warning: Denver, Colorado - March 2008

A suspected salmonella outbreak in the water has left more than 100 people sick in Alamosa. Forty-seven people have confirmed cases of salmonella, and another 76 people with symptoms are awaiting the results of clinical tests. Five people remain hospitalized.

Please go to to read the rest of the story.


Anonymous said...

really? that's tough. aside from natural calamities, viral diseases are coming this the end?

ONNO said...

What's more frightening are the substances in the water we drink that we aren't aware of.

bamboo clothing said...

Exactly onno.
I don't trust our cities water municipalities completely either. They have been caught cheating on their reports as well as recent studies showing all types of drugs and contaminants not believed to be at a dangerous level before, now ARE. There was a report on MSNBC recently about 46 million Americans being affected by these contaminants.

We try to get the word out to everyone that you should FILTER YOUR WATER! Reguardless of who you choose as you supplier we strongly encourage you to filter, it is far better than not filtering at all!